Review Article

A look at the auditory scene analysis from the window of event related potentials


Background and Aim: Foundations and mechanisms of auditory scene analysis (ASA) including segregation and integration were especially reviewed in the study. I focused on the related studies using event-related potentials (ERPs).
Recent Findings: Publications on ASA using ERPs from 1971 to 2014 indicate neural mechanisms of ASA in central auditory system.
Conclusion: ASA results in recognition of different sound stimuli in the competing sound environment. The neural mechanisms of this process could be studied comprehensively using ERPs with good temporal resolution.

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Auditory scene analysis event-related potentials segregation integration

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Talebi H. A look at the auditory scene analysis from the window of event related potentials. Aud Vestib Res. 2015;24(3):110-119.