Development of the Persian version of high-frequency emphasis quick speech in noise
Background and Aim: The quick speech in noise (Q-SIN) test shows the difficulty of speech perception in noise by specifying signal to noise ratio (SNR) loss. Although the Persian version of Q-SIN has been already constructed, the high-frequency emphasis version of this test is not available. The present study aimed to construct six lists with high-frequency emphasis and implement it.
Methods: We are going to prepare a high-frequency emphasis version of Q-SIN and then test
it on a small sample. First, researchers designed the relevant sentences; then experts examined their content and face validity. According to the criteria for developing the Q-SIN test, six lists with high-frequency emphasis were prepared. The test was examined on 26 (13 male and 13 female), 18−35 years old individuals with normal hearing. To determine the test reliability, it was re-administered three weeks later with the same conditions.
Results: Of 76 sentences prepared, 36 sentences received enough credit after determination of their content and face validity. These 36 sentences were used to make 6 lists. The mean value of SNR50 in the Persian language was obtained -4 dB. The mean values of SNR loss in 6 lists were -1.65, -1.8, -2.23, -1.61, -2.38 and -2.07. The results showed equivalency of lists 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Examination of test-retest reliability indicated that all lists except the list 2were reliable.
Conclusion: The lists of 1, 3, 4, and 6 are reliable and equivalent and can be used in clinical application.
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Issue | Vol 28 No 3 (2019) | |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Equivalency; normal hearing; quick speech-in-noise test; reliability; signal to noise ratio loss |
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