Research Article

Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Persian Dynamic Spatial Quick Speech-in-Noise Test in Adults with Normal Hearing


Background and Aim: Spatial hearing is a prerequisite for the proper function of the listener in complex auditory environments. In the present study, a Persian version of the dynamic spatial-quick speech in noise (DS-QSIN) has been developed with respect to all possible factors affecting the test and to run five lists for normal hearing subjects and assessment of reliability.
Methods: To construct five new lists according to the original quick speech in noise (QSIN) test, we used frequent, familiar, and difficult words to construct unpredictable sentences. After determining the content and face validity of the sentences, 30 selected sentences were played using a DS-QSIN software for 35 subjects aged 18–25 years. The reliability of the test was assessed after repeating the test after two weeks.
Results: According to expert judges, these 30 sentences showed acceptable content and face validity with the changes. The average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss of five lists was –5.2 dB. No significant difference was seen between men and women in all lists. The results indicate no difference in the average SNR loss between the five lists. Regarding the reliability assessment, the test-retest correlation coefficient was 0.5 to 0.7 (p<0.05). The intra-class correlation coefficient between test-retest was statistically significant (p>0.001) and confirmed that the lists have high reliability and repeatability.
Conclusion: DS-QSIN test showed good validity and reliability and can be helpful in diagnosis and selecting the best method for rehabilitation of people with a spatial hearing disorder.

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IssueVol 31 No 1 (2022) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Quick speech in noise test signal to noise ratio loss dynamic spatial noise equivalency reliability

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Ashrafi M, Maharati F, Jafarzadeh Bejestani S, Akbarzadeh Baghban A. Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Persian Dynamic Spatial Quick Speech-in-Noise Test in Adults with Normal Hearing. Aud Vestib Res. 2022;31(1):30-37.