Research Article

Evaluation of auditory stream segregation in individuals with cochlear pathology and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder


Background and Aim: The central auditory nervous system has the ability to perceptually group similar sounds and segregates different sounds called auditory stream segregation or auditory streaming or auditory scene analysis. Identification of a change in spectral profile when the amplitude of a component of complex tone is changed is referred to as Spectral profile analysis. It serves as an important cue in auditory stream segregation as the spectra of the sound source vary. The aim of the study was to assess auditory stream segregation in individuals with cochlear pathology (CP) and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.
Methods: In the present study, three groups of participants were included. Experimental groups included 21 ears in each group with cochlear hearing loss or auditory neuropathy spectrum disorders (ANSD) and control group with 21 ears with normal hearing. Profile analysis was assessed using "mlp" toolbox, which implements a maximum likelihood procedure in MATLAB. It was assessed at four frequencies (250 Hz, 500 Hz, 750 Hz, and 1000 Hz) for all three groups.
Results: The results of the study indicate that the profile analysis threshold (at all four frequencies) was significantly poorer for individuals with CP or ANSD compared to the control group. Although, cochlear pathology group performed better than ANSD group.
Conclusion: This could be because of poor spectral and temporal processing due to loss of outer hair cells at the level of the basilar membrane in cochlear pathology patients and due to the demyelination of auditory neurons in individuals with ANSD.

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IssueVol 30 No 3 (2021) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Auditory stream segregation auditory scene analysis spectral profiling spectral profile analysis cochlear pathology auditory neuropathy spectrum disorders

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How to Cite
Banerjee N, Prabhu P. Evaluation of auditory stream segregation in individuals with cochlear pathology and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Aud Vestib Res. 2021;30(3):176-182.