Research Article

The effects of cognitive-behavioral training and muscle relaxation on the degree of tinnitus and the quality of sleep


Background and Aim: Tinnitus is an annoying distressing phantom phenomenon that can cause major problems, such as insomnia and sleep deprivation. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effects of cognitive-behavioral training (CBT) and muscle relaxation on the level of tinnitus and the quality of sleep in patients with tinnitus in Ahvaz City in 2018−2019.
Methods: This study is a semi-experimental, pretest, post-test, and follow-up with control group. There are two experimental groups and one control group in this plan. Participants in the first experimental group received eight sessions of CBT and participants in the second experimental group received eight sessions of relaxation training. Control group were not subject to any intervention.
Results: The results of this study showed that cognitive-behavioral approach and muscle relaxation have reduced the amount of tinnitus and increased sleep quality using multivariate covariance analysis. The most important results of this study are the effectiveness and usefulness of cognitive-behavioral approach and muscle relaxation on reducing tinnitus and increasing the quality of sleep.
Conclusion: Cognitive-behavioral therapy and muscle relaxation approaches were effective in improving tinnitus and quality of sleep. More attention and emphasize in these approaches will be a good alternative to some invasive (electric stimulation) or with some side-effects (drug therapy) approaches.

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IssueVol 28 No 3 (2019) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Cognitive-behavioral training; muscle relaxation; tinnitus; sleep quality

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How to Cite
Tavakoli M, Marashi SA, Hamid N, Beshlideh K. The effects of cognitive-behavioral training and muscle relaxation on the degree of tinnitus and the quality of sleep. Aud Vestib Res. 2019;28(3):182-189.