Research Article

Development and evaluation of the efficacy of Persian phonemic synthesis program in children with (central) auditory processing disorder: a single subject study


Background and Aim: Central auditory processing disorder (C)APD can affect academic, social and communicative status of its patients whether children or adults. One of the most important skills involved in these disorders is decoding. The rehabilitation method for the decoding deficit in Buffalo auditory processing model is the phonemic synthesis program (PSP). In this study, the Persian version of PSP was developed and then the efficacy of this method in the rehabilitation of Persian children with (C)APD was evaluated.
Methods: This study was conducted in two stages. At first, the Persian version of PSP was prepared in accordance with its English version. Then, a child with (C)APD according to the results of Persian versions of Phonemic Synthesis Test (P-PST) and staggered spondaic words (P-SSW) was rehabilitated with this method. The treatment was given to the patient three sessions a week, each session lasted 30 minutes. Data were analyzed using visual analysis and non-parametric tests.
Results: During the treatment phase, a significant improvement was seen in P-PST and P-SSW test results (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Based on the study results, the Persian version of PSP improves decoding, tolerance fading memory, and organization disorders.

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IssueVol 27 No 2 (2018) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Central auditory processing disorders decoding phonemic synthesis program learning disability

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How to Cite
Barootiyan SS, Jalilvand Karimi L, Jalaie S, Negin E. Development and evaluation of the efficacy of Persian phonemic synthesis program in children with (central) auditory processing disorder: a single subject study. Aud Vestib Res. 2018;27(2):101-110.