Research Article

Efficacy of phonemic training program in rehabilitation of Persian-speaking children with auditory processing disorder: a single subject study


Background and Aim: One of the most prevalent problems in auditory processing disorder (APD) is in decoding. This problem is at the phonemic level and can difficulties in spelling, reading, speech processing disorder, responding delay, phonemic identification, memory, and manipulation. One of the training approaches for decoding problems is the phonemic training program. Considering high prevalence of decoding problems and lack of evaluation of the Persian version of the phonemic training program, this study investigated its efficacy in a child with APD.
Methods: This is a single-subject interventional study. A child with APD was selected and evaluated with Persian version of Phonemic Synthesis Test and staggered spondee words test at baseline, training, and monitoring phase. Data were analyzed by single-subject study statistics.
Results: All results showed absolute efficacy of the training.
Conclusion: The phonemic training program was effective in a child with auditory processing disorder.

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IssueVol 27 No 3 (2018) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Auditory processing disorder phonemic training program decoding auditory processing disorder training

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How to Cite
Negin E, Mohammadkhani G, Jalaie S, Jarollahi F. Efficacy of phonemic training program in rehabilitation of Persian-speaking children with auditory processing disorder: a single subject study. Aud Vestib Res. 2018;27(3):116-125.