Research Article

Development, validity and reliability of Persian international outcome inventory for hearing aids questionnaire


Background and Aim: Self-assessment questionnaire was developed to judge the success or failure of all aspects of the hearing aid selection and fitting process. The International outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA( is one of the most common questionnaires to quantify the satisfaction of hearing aid users and its impact on their lives. This study mainly focused on preparing a Persian version of this questionnaire and analyzing its validity and reliability.
Methods: First, the original English version of the questionnaire was translated into Persian, then its content and face validity was determined by expert in field and examiners. Persian IOI-HA was presented to 50 hearing aid users twice with two to three weeks interval and, the collected data were analyzed statistically. Finally, in order to evaluate the reliability of the cur­rent questionnaire, the correlations of items and paired t-test statistics for total score in test-retest was obtained.
Results: The results of face validity assessment revealed that the current questionnaire has a high quality in translation, intelligibility, and cultural adaptation. Mean total score was 26.80 (SD=3.65), and the overall Cronbach’s alpha of this questionnaire was 0.73. Reliability asse­ssment showed that the means of the total scores of the current questionnaire in test-retest have no significant difference, and the scores of the items in test-retest showed a strong correlation.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the Persian version of the questionnaire has a satis­factory face validity and reliability and could be used in medical centers.

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IssueVol 26 No 4 (2017) QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
International outcome inventory for hearing aids questionnaire face validity reliability

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How to Cite
Fathi Roshan M, Fatahi J, Geshani A, Jalaie S. Development, validity and reliability of Persian international outcome inventory for hearing aids questionnaire. Aud Vestib Res. 2017;26(4):240-246.