Research Article

The auditory attention status in Iranian bilingual and monolingual people


Background and Aim: Bilingualism, as one of the discussing issues of psychology and linguistics, can influence the speech processing. Of several tests for assessing auditory processing, dichotic digit test has been designed to study divided auditory attention. Our study was performed to compare the auditory attention between Iranian bilingual and monolingual young adults.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 students including 30 Turkish-Persian bilinguals and 30 Persian monolinguals aged between 18 to 30 years in both genders. Dichotic digit test was performed on young individuals with normal peripheral hearing and right hand preference.
Results: No significant correlation was found between the results of dichotic digit test of monolinguals and bilinguals (p=0.195), and also between the results of right and left ears in monolingual (p=0.460) and bilingual (p=0.054) groups. The mean score of women was significantly more than men (p=0.031).
Conclusion: There was no significant difference between bilinguals and monolinguals in divided auditory attention; and it seems that acquisition of second language in lower ages has no noticeable effect on this type of auditory attention.

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IssueVol 22 No 2 (2013) QRcode
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Bilingual auditory attention dichotic test

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How to Cite
Mansoori N, Tahaei SAA, Jafari Z, Kamali M. The auditory attention status in Iranian bilingual and monolingual people. Aud Vestib Res. 2017;22(2):40-46.