Spatial auditory processing in children with central auditory processing disorder
Background and Aim: Spatial hearing is one of the most important functions of binaural hearing processing that is based on detection of fine interaural time and interaural intensity difference. Spatial hearing is beyond auditory localization and lateralization. It helps auditory scene analysis and target stream segregation from other simultaneous sound sources. This function is important in speech perception in presence of competing messages. The aim of the present paper was reviewing spatial hearing, plasticity of binaural hearing in auditory system and spatial hearing disorder in children with central auditory processing disorder ((C)APD).
Recent Findings: Recent studies show that spatial hearing disorder is one of the important problems in relatively high proportion of children with (C)APD. It is proposed that spatial processing disorder can cause speech perception difficulty in noise which is the main complaint of children with (C)APD. Spatial hearing rehabilitation through sound localization and lateralization training can be effective in improvement of speech perception in noise.
Conclusion: In children suspected to (C)APD, spatial hearing evaluation is vital. Spatial hearing can be evaluated by using sound localization and lateralization tests. If spatial hearing disorder is detected, special rehabilitation is necessary to address this central processing problem. This rehabilitation has a potential to improve speech perception in noise.
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Issue | Vol 26 No 2 (2017) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Central auditory processing spatial hearing speech perception in noise sound localization pediatrics |
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