Review Article

Speech perception in noise mechanisms


Background and Aim: It will be discussed about five mechanisms in relation to speech in noise perception; including neural encoding and decoding, centrifugal pathways, pitch perception, asymmetric sampling in time and cognitive skills. These mechanisms are related to each other and each is important to recognize speech in noise. In this article, we have tried to rely on the latest studies to describe the mechanisms as mentioned. In the end, we will refer to word in noise training.
Methods: In this review study, the articles related to speech perception in noise published in Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus and Springer database, were collected and investigated. Keywords include speech in noise and related words.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that mentioned mechanisms have a considerable effect on speech in noise perception. It should be noticed that word in noise training cause these mechanisms to improve by covering some of them.

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Speech in noise word in noise training hearing in noise speech perception

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Aarabi S, Jarollahi F, Badfar S, Hoseinabadi R, Ahadi M. Speech perception in noise mechanisms. Aud Vestib Res. 2016;25(4):221-226.